• Hamisha Alkamooneh


    Specializations: Large Breed Dogs & Puppy First Visits, All Kinds of Doodles, and Cats

    AKC S.A.F.E. Groomer

    Years of Experience: 16 Years

  • Karanina Scheel


    Specializations: Puppies & Seniors; Anxious, Aggressive, & Special Needs Dogs

    Low Stress Handling - Silver Certified

    Years of Experience: 13 Years

    Weight Restriction: Karanina can only groom dogs under 40lbs, no restriction for consultations

    ***Immune Compromised Household: Mask Required during Check In/Out for Appointments with Karanina

Request Appointment

Include your dog’s NAME, BREED, & WEIGHT in the ‘appointment notes’ section on the final page of booking,

as well as anything else you think is important for us to know to best serve your pet’s specific needs!

You can also book an appointment or get a quote by emailing contact@tailsofpersia.com or texting/calling 612-208-7738.