Mission, Vision, Values

Our mission

is to provide the most caring and individualized grooming experience to each animal that comes through our door, within as safe, stress-free, and one-on-one environment as possible. We strive to be not only great groomers but also a great place to work for our employees through fair compensation, flexible schedules, and a realistic work/life balance.

We envision

a future in which all businesses and individuals recognize their own power and duty to contribute to a fair and just world, where all employees feel valued and appreciated, and where clients are heard, respected, and educated properly on their pets’ needs so that all pets are cared for at the proper level within the realistic ability of their pet parents.

Our Values Include:

Artistic Expression

Full Acceptance & Celebration of Individuality

Unconditional Love of Animals

Social Justice

Our Name

In light of the recent protests in Iran and the courageous attempts to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran for various human rights violations against its own people, our name was chosen intentionally to be partly political, partly historical, and partly aspirational. We have, like many, been both horrified by the Regime’s violence towards protestors, including mass incarceration and execution (with numerous cases of bodies never found or returned to grieving families) and humbled by the strength and relentless determination of supporters worldwide. The Persian Empire has been celebrated as the birthplace of human rights and we hope that someday Iran will restore that legacy.

Our founder, being an American-born Iranian, felt particularly connected to Iran and more generally, Persian history, to find the inspiration for both operating a business as well as naming one. Growing up both within and outside of a culture that frequently discriminates against dogs in modern times and balancing that knowledge with the knowledge of the ancient Persian religion, poetry, and philosophies which celebrate and cherish not only dogs but also human rights, feminism, and artistic expression of individuals regardless of religion, language, or gender, she understood the sizable disconnect between what made Ancient Persia great, and what the modern regime, and their predecessors dating back to the Arab conquests of Ancient Persia, have idealized as ‘greatness’ in the modern era.

The ancient Persians believed dogs were 1/3rd human, 1/3rd wild animal, and 1/3rd divine. They believed that how a person treated dogs in life would determine where they would end up in the afterlife - and dogs even were an integral part of funeral rites, believed to scare off evil spirits so the dead could reach the afterlife safely. The most highly revered dogs were ones with ‘four eyes’, typically black and white dogs with black patches above or around the eyes, symbolizing an extra set of eyes with which to see the spiritual world as clearly as the physical. We aspire to treat each animal who enters our care with the same level of respect, care, and devotion as the nomadic tribes of the Fertile Crescent, namely the Persians, would have treated their prized sighthounds, livestock and guardian dogs, and companion animals.

Therefore, through the name, TAILS OF PERSIA Pet Spa, we choose to celebrate, commiserate, and ground ourselves in what has been, should be, and what could be.

Women. Life. Freedom.

Zan. Zendegi. Azadi.

Our Founder

As a person who grew up in the midst of many tensions (American vs Iranian identity, uneducated vs underfunded, single teen mom vs societal expectations, Muslim vs Christian, etc.), our founder and owner Hamisha Alkamooneh, sought balance and understanding through education. She began by completing a BA in Psychology with minors in Ethnic Studies & Creative Writing from Metropolitan State University in 2020, followed by an MA in Advocacy & Political Leadership from the same university in 2022. Hamisha is currently enrolled at the University of Minnesota pursuing a Ph.D. in the department of Organizational Leadership, Policy & Development.

A second-generation groomer by trade, she completed the majority of her education while working in several top salons throughout SE MN and the Metro. Now, after grooming professionally for 16 years as of 2023 (with the last two years as a salon owner in Lowertown Saint Paul), Hamisha has combined both her experience and her education to design a truly unique pet grooming & boarding business in Saint Anthony, MN that centers social justice, high-quality pet care, fair labor practices, and client satisfaction/education as the core pillars of business.